Why I Am Passionate.... The Winning Mentality of Kobe Bryant


Many people close to me feel that I'm obsessed about investing. Obsessed about money. Am I really obsessed?

I've listened to the video above. One part of Kobe Bryant's interview impressed upon me, "many players do it for the money and as soon as they have some, they drop off. I'm just obsessed with being the best". It was something along the likes.

I realised I was obsessed to be the best in what I do, whether in real estate or stocks or options. Whatever I do, I want to be the best. If I want to be a trainer, I wanna be among the best in the business. I'll study great speakers and mirror them. If I wanna be the best stock investor, I mirror the best, learn from them.

But there's another saying, "much money has been spent to feel good. Why don't we cut out the middle man and go straight to the source, which is to feel good?" To be joyful, I meditate, practice mindfulness for calmness and happiness. Money doesn't make me happier, it just gives me more choices. I find calmness and confidence in myself, not from money.

The reason then for wanting more money is this:

Above is a picture of a kindergarten. Not every child comes from an emotionally stable, blessed family. I came from one where my parents made terrible financial mistakes. I didn't have a mentor to guide me then. I never had the choice to study in fancy universities in the US when I didn't do well in my A Levels. Heck, I'm from Mensa and I bet I can do as well as the lucky ACS kids who get second chances in life. My dad lost a lot of money in the stock markets, my future university school fees. I vowed never to lose this much, but even if I did, I'll make it all back and more. When I did badly for my A Levels, I went to a second tier university, studied an easy course on a stipend from the university because I scored straight As in my first year. You see, I am a person who just needs a break in life, who needs second chances and I'll grab it. I failed so many times in life, but I was always determined to prove my detractors wrong. I took my CFA and my Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst to prove I had the grit, discipline to pass professional exams. 

I'm not wealthy by any standards, but I am determined to make a dent in the universe. I am determined to help as many people as I can, as many children from disadvantaged homes as I can so that they can have the same opportunities as all the ACS kids from wealthy homes. I came from Raffles, borne from a "rags to riches" mentality. But after that, I'm all game to change the lives of many. 

If you are reading this and you are successful, please spare a thought for the disadvantaged people. You are already blessed. The world needs you to give them hope. 

If you are down in life and you are reading this, have hope. History is littered with people that were severely disadvantaged and yet made it. Do not dispair. Keep trying, think harder, look for role models, follow what they do. You will get there. But when you do, give back to society, especially to those that came from the same background as yourself. 


  1. Jeff, I'm totally agree with you and I'm blessed to have learn many gurus. I yet to achieve my goal but I'm determine to continue searching and learning new knowledge to improve my investing and trading journey. I'm confident this day may come if I don't give up half way.

    thanks for the sharing of knowledge!!!

  2. Thanks Jeffrey Goh, for your kind words. This year started horribly for me, but ended with 25% profit. I've also had a lot of "sifus" in my life and I have a support group to guide me. Keep learning. Feel free to email me directly for queries, not on this public forum. Thanks.


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