My Funds Portfolio 14 Jan 2021

 Below is the overall performance of my funds. For CPF, I put everything into funds. I refuse to buy SGD stocks because you should see the performance of MSCI Singapore below. In the last 1 year, the performance was down 5.9%. it is only this year that the performance went up slightly but it is still down. If I had used my CPF and cash to buy SGX listed companies I would have done at best 5% even with superior stock picking.


Look at the other indices. MSCI world is up 16.1%, S&P500 is up 18.0%, China is up 38.6%, Europe up 6.2%, MSCI Asia ex Japan up 28.2%. NASDAQ was of course the best performer with 44.7%. So the growth is NOT in Singapore. It is either in the US or Asia, mainly China. Even the best companies from Singapore are listed in NASDAQ, e.g. SEA Ltd. We have become the “forgotten man” or “sick Man” of Asia in terms of stock markets.




The average performance of my funds are 25.8%. this is unrealised return and doesn’t include realised gains. I’ve held them through the pandemic so holding period is over 1 year. In a 12 month time-frame, my return is about 17.5%.  I’ve beaten the MSCI World, even though only 70% is into equities and 30% into bonds


The next 1 to 2 years will be strong for equities. The wind is blowing for stocks to rise further as many governments are still trying to reflate the economies. Things are not BACK to normal. . If I can do it, you can do it too! Let’s work together and try to make USD1m of profits! Or 10 – 15% returns in a safe way! Let’s work hand in hand to achieve this goal. But we also must be wary of risks. For every 10% return, expect 5% of volatility. So if you want 20% return, be prepared for 10% drawdown in your portfolio.



  1. Thanks for the updates. Enjoy the blog. New investor so learning lots

  2. Hi Jeff, thanks for sharing.

    Can you share how and which platform/provider you used CPF-OA to buy your funds?

    I am using Philips/POEMS and noticed that POEMS Unit Trust offers very few US and China funds that can be bought with OA (of course, I can use cash to buy those funds but want to optimise my OA in the next correction).

    Can you use OA to buy iShare funds you listed (if so, which platform do you use)?

    Thanks for your help.


  3. Hi, I'd use Fundsupermart. Cheapest platform with the widest array of funds. But the downside is you cannot leverage if you want to. Yes you can buy iShare funds. If you wish to leverage, then you need priority / privilege banking setup or private banking. You will need at least S$200k in your account to begin a priority banking account.

    1. Are you sure ... one can buy iShare funds using OA?

      I checked the official Unit Trust list (CPF-OA and CPF-SA investments only not cash) provided by CPF and iShares is not listed there ... maybe I am missing something? Thanks.

    2. you are not allowed to buy any ETF or shares NOT listed in SGX. Hence I bought unit trusts from Fundsupermart and have absolutely no regrets. In fact, my funds outperform ETFs.


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