Getting Rid of Negativity

I'm blessed with many friends. From my job, I've met many people who brought me under their wings to guide me, support me. Some became lifelong friends and my most ardent supporters. 

Unfortunately, I've had a small number of people who choose to disrespect me, or do not respect my time and do not reciprocate my efforts of help. I chose to not respond most of the time. Negative comments do affect me somewhat, but not as much as they did in the past. I'm a lot more centred, focus on my purposes and goals in life. 

Over time, I've learned to let go of things that don't benefit me. I've focused on making myself a better and more effective person. People either accept me for who I am, cheer me on, or slowly exit my life. It will happen more often in the next five years as I prepare for my next phase. 


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