Warren Buffett is Selling Airline Shares, Insiders Buying


From the article above, the great investor seems negative on airline shares. It is a difficult enough being a cyclical business. Competition is ferocious. Now with this virus, air travel may take a long time to recover as people travel less.


Warren doesn't think this recession will be worse than in 2008 - 09. I feel that judging from what he says, he's probably busy buying shares.


The article from Dr Wealth confirms that all the successful, wealthy individuals are buying their company shares as well.

But the article below is important. Insider buying is often a good indicator of good value, and insiders' performance is often superior to outsiders, it is against a backdrop of an economic abyss.


The US economy saw an unprecedented 6.648 million people applying for unemployment claims for the week ending March 2 when jobless claims came out on Thursday. On Friday the March jobs reports showed that the economy shed 701,000 jobs when economists were expecting a decline of 100,000. The global economy is in a similar shape as well.

In conclusion, while the insiders are buying, it is no guarantee that the bottom of stock markets have been reached. It indicates good value, I agree. But it could go down a further 20% before bottoming.

Right now, I'm neither adding shorts nor buying stocks / unit trusts. I'm sitting tight with 60% in cash.


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