How to be a 5 percent man (In Pursuit of Excellence)

Much has been written about how to be at the top. It is not just about money, but being successful in everything I do. I've been doing things in my bucket list, step by step, day by day. I like to create things, to build things that impact society for the better.

For this reason I have to take a path that fewer people thread. It is not easy and requires a lot of guts and energy.

Whatever I do, I try very hard to be the best at my field, be it investing, advisory etc. While others are having their happy hours, I'm often poring through reports, learning new skills etc. It will bear fruits over time, I hope.

I used to take long walks in Sentosa Cove and admire the houses. I'm a huge fan of architecture and had always wanted to be one. But my passion for finance got the better of me.

I always loved living by the sea. I grew up in Marine Drive, on the 15th floor, overlooking the sea. I could see the Indonesian islands from every room. Perhaps that was why my eye sight was perfect until recently. I was an avid reader and consumed 2 to 3 books a day, always winning the "bookworm" award.

These are the houses my dreams are made of and I'd love to build one some day. It will be one on my bucket list.

But like ain't just about getting what I want. It's about giving back. I've done my part by giving my government grant for the Covid 19 pandemic to charity and I aim to do more. I come from a poor, difficult family and I want to help all the kids from troubled homes. It will be my wish and will probably give me greater satisfaction some day.


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