Stock Markets ON a Verge of a Break Out

Most stock indices have tested the resistance about three times and are on the verge of a breakout. This time the rally appears synchronised. The S&P500, Bloomberg 600 Europe Index, Russia, Turkey, Poland all appear to be on the uptrend.

Even Emerging Markets and Asia ex Japan appear to be turning positive soon.

If my thesis is correct, we are going to see a surprising rally that should last from Nov to the second half of 2020, with upside of 15 - 30%. Emerging Markets and Asia ex Japan, which have much cheaper valuations and have suffered from sideways movement the last 10 years, should outperform with around 20 - 40%, while the western world should see an upside of 10 - 20%.

Gold and Silver appear to resume their uptrend as well.

It's about the liquidity. The party should end one day. But it could last till the end of 2020. I've always maintained that I am bullish on the stock markets. I've never waivered.


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