XAGUSD Shoots Up!

When I suggested buying XAGUSD at around USD17.50, it is now USD21.20. I think it will rise much more, perhaps to as high as USD45 / oz. But in the short term, it has risen too much too soon and if you have a big portion suggest you take profit by selling ½ or ¼. Silver prices soar to six-year high on ‘green recovery’ bet Precious metal outshines gold with a 70% rise since its March low The price of silver can enjoy explosive spurts when conditions are right © Kerem Uzel/Bloomberg Top of Form Save Bottom of Form Neil Hume , Natural Resources Editor YESTERDAY 11 Print this page Silver prices have touched their highest level in six years, encouraged by low interest rates on other long-term assets as well as hopes that the industrial metal will be a winner in the “green recovery” promised by politicians. The price of the metal rose as much as 6 per cent to $21.17 an ounce on Tuesday afternoon — the highest in intraday trading since July ...