RIsk Management: Jumping Off a Cliff with a Bungee Chord

As mentioned before, we may enter a second leg of the sell down of equities. Psychologically, the first leg catches most investors by surprise. It happened too fast for them to sell. Value investors, those who missed the rally will then buy on the support lines, usually 150 and 200 days moving averages. The more people look at the averages, the more the support will hold. It usually pushes the index up to the mid point of the correction, before sellers come back again, pushing down to the last low. Thereafter, value investors will usually come in again at the 150 or 200 days moving averages to buy. What happens next depends on a mixture of fundamentals, valuations, and liquidity. It depends on whether economic growth is going to be positive, valuations are not expensive and whether enough money is on the sidelines to push the demand / supply dynamics in the bulls’ favor. I must say of the three factors, liquidity is the biggest factor. There is a high probability that the...