I Love Auckland

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iArXv64tCJA I'm here in Auckland.... Check out my Airbnb. Nice cozy place in the middle of the CBD. A digital smart TV is a must. I am watching Netflix, "21". One of the most memorable soundtrack is in the hyperlink above, " Peter Bjorn And John - Young Folks". I love shows like "21", "Margin Call", "The Big Short". They are inspiring. Mostly about how a bunch of very intelligent people who found ways to make money. Often, their methods are grey, but they are always very successful in life, health and love. Auckland is a beautiful city. I'm thinking of liquidating my Australian properties and slowly shift my funds to Auckland. Singaporeans are treated to locals in that we are able to buy resale properties. In Australia we can only buy off plan properties that are usually priced between 15 to 30% above resale properties on the same street.