Why You Should De-Lever Now

While we are likely to have a very strong climb in equities for the next 1 to 2 years, we are unlikely to see the kind of strong rally we saw from April 2020 to now. We are likely to see a correction of 10 – 15% in 2021. The MSCI world has outstripped the 50 days moving average and in most cases is likely to snap back with a correction to the 150 days MA. I cannot predict when it will happen, but I surely will reduce leverage now, hold more dry powder and get ready to buy on a correction. The stock market is NOT a CASINO. It is a supermarket of prices that is updated daily. The luxury and important goods and services which you wish to purchase are usually either at a huge discount or over-priced. Our decision is usually to DO NOTHING, BUY, or SELL. Below is an example of 3 things you can do. Scenario 1, buy and hold an index or fund to replicate global equities. If there is a 15% correction, followed by a 30% rebound, your 2021 performance will be +10.5...